Re: I would like to ask for help with updating status my formula:
The slight issue here is adding the 5th value as the symbols column doesn't support having 5 coloured circles unfortunately. You can get round this by adding either a symbol/emoji directly or using t…1 · -
Re: I would like to ask for help with updating status my formula:
Hi @Jean_Marc_Kruger1992, This should do what you're after (assuming you're happy with what you currently have already): =IF([% complete]@row = 0, IF([Start Date]@row < TODAY(), "Behind"…1 · -
Re: Formula Help Needed: To populate unlimited level of children row with Parent data
@Vivien Chong, if you've still got the level column then yes, we can amend the formula slightly to get round this. If you call your "testing 1" type task level 0, then: =IF(Level@row <= …1 · -
Re: RYG Formula and Status Question - almost there
Hi @johnna.young, I think this will do what you're after: =IF(Status@row = "Complete", "Gray", IF(AND(OR(Status@row = "At Risk", Status@row = "In Progress"), […1 · -
Re: Counting Opened Opened for a Particular Year
=COUNTIF({Date Requested}, IFERROR(YEAR(@cell), 0) = YEAR(TODAY())) would do the current year.1 ·